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【海纳百川】: 人总是要长大的,时光路口,无数过客,迷迷茫茫,只不过是时光恋人。时远时近的人影,早已落在时光的阴暗角落,那就就只成为了记忆。领会路...
2023-5-25 07:25 回复|
thtse: It was 20 degrees Celsius. I jogged in Acsa to eat hamburger, yogurt, and egg. Some people set some booths to give out toothbrush, toothpaste, socks, mouthwash, water bottle, two in one shampoo & cond ...
2023-5-24 07:46 回复|
【海纳百川】: 不管活成什么样子,都不要把责任推给别人,一切的苦乐,都是自己造成的。任何一次选择,都有它对应的筹码,愿赌服输,也是一个成年人该有的...
2023-5-24 07:13 回复|
【海纳百川】: 不经历风雨,哪会有彩虹。心态的不同,人生的境遇便会天差地别。只有修炼一颗淡泊宁静 的心,人生才会风清月明。
2023-5-23 09:59 回复|
thtse: It was 17 degrees Celsius. I lingered home to watch youtube on internet.
2023-5-23 08:33 回复|
thtse: It was 23 degrees Celsius. I employed my desktop to play game on internet at home.
2023-5-22 07:21 回复|
thtse: It was 16 degrees Celsius. I stayed home to watch youtube on internet.
2023-5-21 08:33 回复|
【海纳百川】: 别把节日看的太重要,昨天和今天就是个正常的周末,跟你平时搞钱的日子一样,做个俗人吧,爱家,爱钱,爱生活,肤浅又快乐!
2023-5-21 08:00 回复|
【海纳百川】: 有人说,累了就别干了,一天到晚就知道干,因为我明白。穷在街头无人问,富在深山有远 亲,不信你看杯中酒,杯杯先敬有钱人,人无钱,不如鬼...
2023-5-21 07:53 回复|
thtse: It was 20 degrees Celsius. After I grabbed a bag of groceries at Acsa's windowsill, I jogged back home to eat egg, fried fries, fried chicken, hamburger, and yogurt.
2023-5-20 07:46 回复|
【海纳百川】: 很多事情都是水到渠成的,急不得,燥不得,任何美好的状态都不会轻易降临,等吃够了当 下的苦,未来的甜才会顺理成章地来,你也才能心安理得...
2023-5-20 07:38 回复|
thtse: It was 14 degrees Celsius. I went in St. Timothy's Anglican Church to eat fusilli, potato, egg, and dessert.
2023-5-19 07:21 回复|
【海纳百川】: 别人的眼光不重要,你把事情做成什么样子才重要。有时候,适合比坚持更重要。
2023-5-19 07:12 回复|
thtse: It was 10 degrees Celsius. I walked in Acsa to eat potato, egg, chicken, and yogurt.
2023-5-18 07:31 回复|
【海纳百川】: 即便生活只给你留下一个狭小的空间,但只要你心无旁骛地对待生活,方寸之地也能找到属于你的人生黄金。
2023-5-18 07:09 回复|
thtse: It was 17 degrees Celsius. I strolled in Acsa to eat curry beef rice, egg, and yogurt.
2023-5-17 07:36 回复|
【海纳百川】: 人生如棋,有进就有退,要学会善待自己,别去背负太多。在所有的经历里,把所有的是是非非、纷纷扰扰,通过人生这个字眼来淋漓尽致的演绎。...
2023-5-17 07:13 回复|
【海纳百川】: 人生如棋,有进就有退,要学会善待自己,别去背负太多。在所有的经历里,把所有的是是非非、纷纷扰扰,通过人生这个字眼来淋漓尽致的演绎。...
2023-5-17 07:13 回复|
thtse: It was 22 degrees Celsius. I used my computer to play game on internet at home.
2023-5-16 07:44 回复|
【海纳百川】: 这世界上大部分的失落,都是因为我们自己没成为更好的自己,却奢求着别人成为更好的别 人。
2023-5-16 07:38 回复|

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