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thtse: It was 17 degrees Celsius. I lingered home to watch youtube on internet.
2023-5-15 07:30 回复|
thtse: It was 22 degrees Celsius. I jogged in Pacific Mall to see the Mother's Day Weekend. I raised a hand to answer a question about Pacific Mall established twenty-seven years that Wendy Luo gave me a pri ...
2023-5-14 07:22 回复|
【海纳百川】: 凡事不以恶意揣度别人,不以私利给他人添堵,不妄自菲薄,也不诋毁他人,这是对自己最 基本的要求。
2023-5-14 07:16 回复|
thtse: It was 24 degrees Celsius. Before I went back home to eat chili fried chicken rice, yogurt, hamburger, and egg, a woman gave me a bag of foods at Acsa's windowsill.
2023-5-13 08:08 回复|
【海纳百川】: 人生的风景,其实都是心灵的风景,什么都可以错过,就是不能错失自己的心。
2023-5-13 07:26 回复|
【海纳百川】: 患难时,读懂了人情冷暖;平淡中,体会到缘分善变。时间,会沉淀真挚的情感;风雨,会历 练值得珍惜的情缘。感情,总是在人最艰难最脆弱的时...
2023-5-12 07:52 回复|
thtse: It was 20 degrees Celsius. I strolled in Acsa to eat chili fried chicken rice, yogurt, and banana.
2023-5-11 07:51 回复|
菲云: 每个月长期收油和皮皮虾 P,加我请注明渠道和来意。谢谢~
2023-5-10 09:28 回复|
【海纳百川】: 世界上唯一可以不劳而获的就是贫穷,唯一可以无中生有的是梦想,没有哪件事是不动手就可 以实现的。
2023-5-10 08:14 回复|
thtse: It was 17 degrees Celsius. After someone gave me some groceries at a booth and a woman gave me a meal at Acsa's door, I jogged back home to eat rice, mushroom, and noodles.
2023-5-10 07:37 回复|
thtse: It was 18 degrees Celsius. I employed my desktop to play game on internet at home.
2023-5-9 07:57 回复|
【海纳百川】: 每个人都难免要受一些委屈,谁也不可能永远高昂着头。人生的路不好走,该低头时要低头, 该让步时需让步。
2023-5-9 07:09 回复|
【海纳百川】: 无论你正在遭遇什么磨难,都不要一味抱怨上苍不公平,甚至从此一蹶不振。
2023-5-8 07:39 回复|
thtse: It was 14 degrees Celsius. I used my computer to watch youtube on internet at home.
2023-5-8 07:19 回复|
thtse: It was 17 degrees Celsius. I went in Pacific Mall to shop the stores today.
2023-5-7 07:44 回复|
【海纳百川】: 不管你有多不开心,我们都有责任先吃好一顿饭,睡好一个觉,打扮好自己。
2023-5-7 07:05 回复|
thtse: It was 14 degrees Celsius. After I grabbed two bags of groceries and breads into my backpack at Acsa's windowsill, I walked back home to eat chicken, potato, and yogurt.
2023-5-6 07:36 回复|
【海纳百川】: 我们遇到的害怕和软弱,也许都是因为,舍不得。
2023-5-6 07:15 回复|
thtse: It was 11 degrees Celsius. I strolled in St. Timothy's Anglican Church to eat chicken, potato, and dessert.
2023-5-5 07:25 回复|
【海纳百川】: 懂得感恩,是收获幸福的源泉。懂得感恩,你会发现原来自己周围的一切都是那样的美好。
2023-5-5 07:16 回复|

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